Bipolar Disorder Guide
Bipolar Disorder Articles
A Bipolar Disorder Checklist to Identify the Symptoms
A Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis is Difficult to Make
A Bipolar Quiz Helps Diagnose if the Disorder is Present
A Bipolar Test Will Identify the Severity of the Disorder
Bipolar Disease Has Many Extreme Levels
Bipolar Disorder in Children Can Present Different Than in Adults
Bipolar Medications Must be Carefully Monitored
Bipolar Symptoms For the Awareness of the Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Treatment Through Medication and Counseling
Dealing with Bipolar Disorder Takes Time and Patience
The Behaviors of Bipolar Disorder are Disruptive to Everyone
The Chemistry of Bipolar Disorder is an Ongoing Study
The Family Suffers When a Mother Has Bipolar Disorder
The History of Bipolar Disorder Shows It Has Always Existed
The Relationship of Bipolar and Depression
The Types of Bipolar Support Programs That Can Help

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The Types of Bipolar Support Programs That Can Help
Bipolar disorder is a severe mood disorder characterized by
extremes of emotions. Elevated moods known as mania and depressive phases are common in people suffering from this disorder. Due
to the extreme emotional upheaval, patients require strong bipolar support programs.
The bipolar support
programs consist of psychotherapy, medication and education for both the patient and
family members. Increasing awareness about the illness is essential for effective treatment. Various organizations have also
formed forums and communities which are specifically designed to support people suffering from the disorder. It is effective in
helping the family members of the patient. The mood swings of the patients has adverse effects on his personal as well as
professional relations making it difficult for him or her to cope with daily activities and maintaining cordial relations with
As a result, bipolar support programs have become essential for the treatment of patients. Various
techniques of psychotherapy such as family focused therapy and interpersonal and social rhythm therapy have gained popularity as
support programs. The family focused therapy mainly deals with educating the patient and his family members about the
manifestation and implications of the disorder. It takes into account the family’s contribution towards the well being of the
patient and accordingly incorporates features that could help the family understand the situation clearly. This could trigger
favorable behavior towards the patient who would receive maximum support from family members. It also strives to reduce the
stress and strain
caused due to the illness. Impulsive behavior is often associated with bipolar disorder and this often
disrupts the lives of the family members. The therapy becomes useful when it teaches family members to cope with such difficult
The interpersonal and social rhythm therapy on the other hand is based on the belief that the individual
experiences mood swings due to alterations in the body rhythm. Insomnia, for example, is a disturbance in the body’s sleeping
pattern and this can be solved by proper sleeping habits. Patients are equipped to change body rhythms through this therapy. It
also trains patients to record the changes in moods. Daily activities like eating; sleeping, etc. is recorded along with their
social interactions. This helps patients to keep track of their moods and therapists can eventually help them develop healthy and
stable routines for their daily activities.
Bipolar support programs are also developed by communities where patients can discuss their problems and
seek support. Education and awareness oriented programs are a major focus of these communities.