Bipolar Disorder Guide
Bipolar Disorder Articles
A Bipolar Disorder Checklist to Identify the Symptoms
A Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis is Difficult to Make
A Bipolar Quiz Helps Diagnose if the Disorder is Present
A Bipolar Test Will Identify the Severity of the Disorder
Bipolar Disease Has Many Extreme Levels
Bipolar Disorder in Children Can Present Different Than in Adults
Bipolar Medications Must be Carefully Monitored
Bipolar Symptoms For the Awareness of the Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Treatment Through Medication and Counseling
Dealing with Bipolar Disorder Takes Time and Patience
The Behaviors of Bipolar Disorder are Disruptive to Everyone
The Chemistry of Bipolar Disorder is an Ongoing Study
The Family Suffers When a Mother Has Bipolar Disorder
The History of Bipolar Disorder Shows It Has Always Existed
The Relationship of Bipolar and Depression
The Types of Bipolar Support Programs That Can Help

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Bipolar Disease Has Many
Extreme Levels
Bipolar disease is a very serious mood disorder. It can affect about 1%
of adults during their life. Bipolar disease, and other forms of mental
illness, claims lives. Organizations trying to prevent suicide and comfort
survivors, are valuable to society today due to the wide range of the disorder.
Bipolar disease symptoms
include a deficiency interest in things that formerly brought joy, continual feelings of sorrow and void, and an
inability to get things done. Depression as such is a disease that can lead to future health risks. Depressive episodes can
include feeling sad or hopeless, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, no more interest or pleasure in activities or sex,
decreased energy and fatigue, sleeping too much, or suicidal thoughts or attempts. Some bipolar victims have what is referred
to as a mixed bipolar disorder.
Many bipolar disease sufferers
exhibit many of the same types of symptoms, with each person experiencing these symptoms to varying degrees depending on
which cycle of the disorder they are in. When experiencing a manic episode they will usually experience intense feelings of
pleasure and/or happiness. Bipolar disease treatment can help to prevent these negative impacts and give the person a way to
lead a full and productive life. In some situations, having to deal with a person with this disorder can be very
difficult for family and friends. Bipolar disease, or bipolar disorder as it is more commonly known, is very real and
affects countless numbers of people.
Psychotherapy, or talk therapy,
is essential for dealing with the impact of bipolar disease. It is an integral part of preventive or maintenance treatment.
Psychotic symptoms
are not uncommon, and hospitalization is often necessary. Rapid cycling may or may not be present.
Psychotherapy can also assist the person in coping with the side-effects of the medications.
Psychotherapy is combined with
drugs to manage and control the bipolar symptoms. It also helps if the patient keeps daily mood charts and tracks potential
symptoms before they escalate. Childhood bipolar disease is a real and serious illness that should be recognized and
treated as early as possible. Psychotherapy can help the individual with bipolar disease to stabilize daily routines, deal
effectively with stress, be vigilant of encroaching symptoms, and to develop effective methods of communicating regarding
their symptoms and behaviors. Given the serious disruptions and stressful family situation arising from episodes, family
members may benefit from education regarding the disorder.
Mood stabilizers are very
important in people with bipolar disease. Without a mood stabilizer, antidepressants may trigger manic episodes in people
with the disorder. Mood disturbance may be severe enough to damage one's job or social functioning or one's relationships
with others. Some patients require hospitalization to prevent harm to others or to themselves. Moods may be happy or sad;
energized or sluggish; embodying various combinations of emotional states.
Bipolar disease is real,
progressive and can seriously disrupt people’s lives. Once properly diagnosed and
treated, people with this disease begin to understand when their personality is changing and are better able to